Unreal Engine for Aximmetry 5.3 Crash



After installing the new unreal engine for aximmetry, all our projects crashes with no error message.

It just force close.

It seems fine to have it open an empty project. But when we migrate it over. When we turn the camera around it crashes. But we have no issue when running it on Unreal engine 5.3.


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The Unreal Editor for Aximmetry automatically saves logs in the project's \Saved\Logs folder. These logs will probably contain the messages related to your crashes, even in the absence of an error message on your screen.

Additionally, you might be encountering an issue similar to the one detailed here: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/3776-solved-ue-for-aximmetry-quitscrashes-on

Also, were you importing the projects from the original Unreal Engine or from Unreal Editor for Aximmetry version 5.2?

Warmest regards,

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I've checked any it's not similar to the other guys error. mine says it's a pipeline error for one project. another just crash with out writing reason and stopped.

But creating an empty project seems to work fine.

We tried creating from a new project downloaded from Unreal and it crashed after turning around.

Best regards,

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Yes the one that crashes without log is from aximmetry version 5.2

and the one that has log and shows error is one that is built from unreal 5.3 from the market place.

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:823][896]LogRHI: Error: Failed to create GraphicsPipeline

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:823][896]LogRHI: Error: Vertex: <unknown>

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:823][896]LogWindows: Error: === Critical error: ===

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogWindows: Error: 

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogWindows: Error: Fatal error: [File:E:\Build3\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 348] 

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogWindows: Error: Shader compilation failures are Fatal.

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogWindows: Error: 

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogWindows: Error: 

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogWindows: Error: 

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogWindows: Error: Crash in runnable thread Foreground Worker #1

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: Pixel: <unknown>

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: Render Targets: (8)

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: 0xa

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: 0x47

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: 0x0

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: 0x0

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: 0x0

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: 0x0

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: 0x0

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: 0x0

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: Depth Stencil Format:

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogRHI: Error: 0xb

[2024.04.29-07.34.48:824][896]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Fatal error: [File:E:\Build3\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 348] 

Shader compilation failures are Fatal.


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Just an update

I've reinstall the unreal engine and changed to a shorter folder name,

Still the same issue.

the project from 5.2 to 5.3 crashes while loading.

the project from unreal 5.3 crashes when i turn the camera around.

weirdly i can move backwards with out it crashing.

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I manage to find a quick fix but in doing this method it removes lumen and nanite.

I went into DefaultEngine.ini

and modified 

DefaultGraphicsRHI=DefaultGraphicsRHI_DX12 to DefaultGraphicsRHI=DefaultGraphicsRHI_DX11

now all seems smooth and all but not sure how or why dx12 is not working.

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Thank you for reporting the crash.

We are aware of this issue and are working on a fix, which we aim to include in the next version of Aximmetry.

Warmest regards,

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Is there any update on this issue ? I am still facing it. Not sure if there has been any software update as this is first time I am using this software.
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Hi nightHawk,

The issue has been fixed in Aximmetry version 2024.2.0.
I forgot to write here when I mentioned the fix for the same crash here: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/3841-unreal-project-532---aximmetry-202410-cr

Warmest regards,
