Unreal project (5.3.2 - Aximmetry 2024.1.0) crashes


We are working on a virtual production with assets shipped to us using the automotive material package

we use this package extensively throughout multiple productions without issues in Unreal for aximmetry 5.2

However in the new update (5.3.2 - Aximmetry 2024.1.0), the editor immediatly crashes when attempting to render certain translucent materials.

I narrowed the crash down to these specific settings:

Blend mode : Translucent

Shading mode: Thin Translucent

lighting model: Surface forward shading

This doesnt occur in a non aximmetry 5.3.2 install.

if relevant:


[2024.04.29-09.27.34:326][645]LogRHI: Error: Failed to create GraphicsPipeline
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:326][645]LogRHI: Error: Vertex: <unknown>
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: Pixel: <unknown>
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: Render Targets: (8)
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: 0xa
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: 0x47
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogThreadingWindows: Error: Runnable thread Background Worker #3 crashed.
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogWindows: Error: === Critical error: ===
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogWindows: Error:
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogWindows: Error: Fatal error: [File:E:\Build3\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 348]
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogWindows: Error: Shader compilation failures are Fatal.
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogWindows: Error:
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogWindows: Error:
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogWindows: Error:
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogWindows: Error: Crash in runnable thread Background Worker #3
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: Depth Stencil Format:
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogRHI: Error: 0xb
[2024.04.29-09.27.34:328][645]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Fatal error: [File:E:\Build3\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 348]
Shader compilation failures are Fatal.



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I'm updating from Aximmetry 2023.3.2 to 2024.1.0 and some projects crash in the UE editor for Aximmetry. I also use the automotive material plugin for sure in that project. Where can I find the UE crash log to check? Its crashing while compiling the shaders first time loading.

When I load the same project in the official Unreal 5.3.2 editor, or UE for Aximmetry 2023.3.2 they load fine.

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You have the same issue as us in my post.

We're still trying to find the root cause on our system too.

At the moment the quick fix is to modify DefaultEngine.ini in the config folder

specifically this line.

DefaultGraphicsRHI=DefaultGraphicsRHI_DX12 changed to DefaultGraphicsRHI=DefaultGraphicsRHI_DX11

I'm guessing DirectX12 doesn't play well with aximmetry version of unreal engine or that there is something wrong with the project settings.

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I don’t know what is causing the issue, but DirectX12 is what we’re using for all our projects without any issues. DirectX12 is required for a lot of the newer UE5 features, so switching to DX11 might lead to other issues. 

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@marc.colemont -the crash logs should be in "UnrealProjectPath/saved/logs" my version doesn't crash as long as "M_Glass_Master" or its instances aren't being rendered in any way. 

@MichaelKoh - we managed to revert to an older aximmetry version "2023.3.2" which also uses unreal 5.3.2 this version doesnt crash using the materials mentioned above, and we get to use DX12. Maybe you could try that as well. I'm starting to think there might be something wrong with the new installer and its Unreal installation process. 

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changing from DirectX12 to DirectX11 would remove nanite and some features from lumens.

@StudioXR - Yes, we are also using the older version until there is a fix for this issue.

Good to know we were not the only one with the same issue. I would have stripped down the PC and checked if it was a hardware issue.

Also thanks for narrowing down the material. I'll check with my colleague if there is any other way of going around that material.

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Thank you for reporting the crash and for identifying the cause.

We are aware of this issue and are working on a fix, which we aim to include in the next version of Aximmetry.

Warmest regards,

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The new Aximmetry version 2024.2.0 BETA has been released. https://aximmetry.com/learn/software-version-history/#%E2%96%BA-Latest:%202024.2.0

This new version fixed the above crash of the Thin Translucent shading model.

Warmest regards
