Wired effect when switching camera


Here are 2 issues I found in this scene with DE Version and UE5:

1. The billboard does some wired movement when I switch camera, it seems the billboard is trying to adapt between the positions between different cameras correspondingly.


2. The billboard has incorrect exposure and the reflection is not applied for the first frame after switching the camera.


Any possible reasons or solution to these issues? Thanks a lot.


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In the first video the issue is probably related to the Look At Camera setting:

In the second video, note that some of the reflection types are not immediate in Unreal.
Somebody had a similar issue recently, I wrote more on reflections there: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/2391-reflection-glitch-when-matrix-is-on
However, the exposure of the billboards shouldn't change. Maybe the reflection affects the lighting intensity on the billboard, so when that changes, it looks like the exposure of the billboard also changes. If you can, please try out if you experience the exposure change if the reflections are turned off.

Also, it can help us figure out the source of the issue in both cases if you can tell what are your Billboard settings in Aximmetry and which camera compound you use in Aximmetry.

If you want to keep your current reflection method in Unreal, you can use a delayer module in Aximmetry to freeze the last frame for a frame before switching between cameras. I can write it down in detail how to do so if you want.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert, thank you for your reply.

The wired thing is, 
I did some test shot and recorded it, which was totally fine (excpet the exposure issue). And the first issue suddenly came maybe after I changed some keyer settings. And I failed recreating this issue with the same file. I just copy the file back to home and replaced the input source. Confused but I will try to make it happen again. And it will be great if I can leave the "Look at camera" on as my camera moves sometimes.

I tried VirtualCam Unreal A-B Preview 3Cam & 8Cam. And the defualt setting for the billboards excpet changing some parameters in crop and keyer section (and the position of course).The issue is not fixed even I turned off the "Lit" of the billboard. And it seems not to do with the matrix in my case. Also please tell me how to add the delay.

Thank you.

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We did a more detailed answer under the new post: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/2419-wrong-billboard-exposure-when-switch-cam

Warmest regards,
