Change camera orientation (Tracked camera)



Could you please give a little advise, searched all the forum for the information, but sadly didn't found solution.

What is the best way to change camera orientation for portrait mode of the tracked camera for Htc Vive? Unfortunately, I have a rather limited space, so I change the camera position to portrait, placing the camera sideways.

I tried calibration (maybe wrong, but tried all settings there), tried Delta head transformation, tried scene transformation in Aximmetry (it rotates camera with the world). 

After calibration and changing the position of the camera together with the Mars sensor, there was no such problem.

But don’t really want to use Mars all the time, it’s still quite expensive, and if something breaks...)) Also i don't need camera movement tracking, just my position in the world for the camera.

Found information that you can change orientation with changed compound (but sadly - there wasn't information how to do it, just a suggestion about it) - I'm a little worried that after this there will be a problem with billboards, but not sure.

Thank you very much for any help!

With best regards, Maria.

   Maria Moon

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Hi Maria,

A similar situation was recently posted here:
I think the information there might also apply to your case of recording in portrait.
If your situation is the same, feel free to contribute to that thread if my current solution doesn't fully resolve your issue. If your situation differs, could you please describe it in more detail?

Warmest regards,

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Maria Moon

As I understand it, we are talking about a full portrait output here (in the other post), I need to keep the horizontal output and change only the orientation of the camera, not the world.

I still want to shoot the scene with 1920x1080, full portrait scene not needed in my case, just to flip tracked camera.

In my case, there is simply no sensor on the camera that could transmit the orientation after calibration. If you use a virtual camera - there is a button to change the orientation, unfortunately, there is no such button with tracked camera.

And when i try to flip camera/world - they start spinning each other)

But i think i can try to set scene to 1080x1920 and rotate it backwords)) Changing Delta Cam Transf too ))

Will try it today, thank you!

With best regards, Maria.

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Hi Maria,

Unfortunately, the solution in my linked post won't work for your situation because you need the final image to be in landscape (resolution of 1920x1080).

Note that this is challenging because the lens distortion and tracking calibration must align with the aspect ratio of both the video input and the rendering frame size. For correct tracking and distortion alignment, the same aspect ratio throughout the composition must be maintained.
The solution in my linked post works because the landscape aspect ratio is maintained throughout the composition.
In theory, you could rotate the scene by 90 degrees and then roll the camera using a Camera VR path or place the input on a landscape video inside the camera compound before it is processed by anything else. However, in these cases, you would lose the image quality of the talent that you achieve when recording in portrait mode rather than landscape. Additionally, for example, the lens distortion would be incorrect in such a rotated setup.

I recommend using a virtual camera along with the CROP panel's Portrait parameter to rotate the input video. Is there a specific reason you're hesitant to use a virtual camera if active tracking is unnecessary? There are likely ways to replicate any features you find missing from the virtual camera.

If you choose to continue using a tracked camera setup, you should not rotate your camera sideways. Instead, use the STUDIO panel to remove non-green parts of the shot. More details can be found here:

Warmest regards,
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Maria Moon

I just don't fit into the camera completely when it's not vertical ( Too little distance.

It would be a little better if the lens was 16mm instead of 23, but not much, it would probably cut off my legs.

I would like to move around the scene while maintaining proportions, for this I need tracking. In this regard, the virtual camera is not suitable. I used it before) I would like to raise the quality to a higher level and it is very difficult to maintain the position in height, since all scenes are different, on a virtual camera. Too many scenes in live broadcast.

I don't have problems with cropping the frame for greenscreen, thank you! (and i use Studio Panel too))

With best regards, Maria.

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You previously suggested you wouldn't use tracking for camera movement, but now you are suggesting you will. In this case, you are right; the virtual camera cannot replace the tracked camera.

Otherwise, you could create a logic to maintain a consistent distance from the camera to the billboard across your projects, similar to the Put In Front function. If you're interested, I can guide you through how to make it:

With the tracked camera compound, you can consider rotating and then placing the input on a landscape video within the camera compound before any other processing occurs. I would still advise against it. Instead, for example, consider using a camera that records in portrait resolution.
Anyway, to achieve this, open the camera compound using Edit Compound In-Place and double-click to enter it:
Change camera orientation (Tracked camera)

You can learn more about Edit Compound In-Place and Linked compound here: 

Inside the compound, repeat this process for the INPUT %N= compound you are currently using:
Change camera orientation (Tracked camera)

In it, enter the Line %N compound:
Change camera orientation (Tracked camera)

Between the Vignette and TrkCam_Record compounds, you rotate the video and then fit it into a landscape resolution.
First, rotate it using the Rotator module. Then, with the Placer module, fit it into a landscape-sized video by adjusting the Out Size pin to maintain a 1920x1080 (16:9) aspect ratio. To preserve the video quality, you should maintain the 1920 height. This means the best if the Out Size resolution is set to 3414x1920 (16:9 resolution and 1920 height). Set the Fit Mode to Keep to prevent any resizing. Additionally, set the Filter to Clamp to avoid 0 alpha in unfilled video areas, as the keyer can not work with 0 alpha.

Finally, you must turn off Lens Distortion, as the Distortion data won't be rotated:
Change camera orientation (Tracked camera)

Warmest regards,

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Maria Moon

"Otherwise, you could create a logic to maintain a consistent distance from the camera to the billboard across your projects, similar to the Put In Front function. If you're interested, I can guide you through how to make it:"

Yes, i`m interested! Thank you very much in advance! 

I'm afraid it won't help me though) I don't know where exactly to stand and the point keeps shifting ( Since I don't always stream on a green background and don't always stand in this place, I periodically go there during the stream. In general, most likely I will have to somehow solve the issue with the horizontal mode (

As I wrote before, I don't plan to move around with the camera in my hands while working live, so I don't need to use the Mars that I have.

I would like to track the movement of the legs inside the scene so that there are no height differences on the floor, when i`m moving at least forward and backward. 

Maybe I don't need it for that? But the proportions will still change if i understand right) (or not? ))

"Instead, for example, consider using a camera that records in portrait resolution." 

Sadly, i`m using it live with capture card, as far as i know, capture cards can't make it 1080x1920.

If it wasn't live - everything would be good)

Thank you very much for the second part too! I will also try to use this method, but in such resolutions even with 4090 - I am afraid there will be problems with some scenes on live.

I would like to achive something like this, with htc vive and in portrait mode of the camera on live stream) 

But so far from what I understood - it is very difficult to do this with portrait mode. Therefore, I will try to somehow solve this issue without it i guess.

With best regards, Maria.
