So what are the best options for reducing jitter from a Lighthouse (EZTrack) system? Currently it looks like this:
It’s so bad that I can’t even get the built in tracking delay detection of Aximmetry to trigger. See this video: juddering horizontal motion of the picture is due to the preview display, does not occur on the final rendered signal and can be ignored.)
Turning up the clamping filter in EZTrack or the tracking dejitter option in Aximmetry won't help me get rid of the annoying "wavy" motion of the studio background when panning with the tilt locked on the camera.
I know that some level of jitter is unavoidable in Lighthouse and using long focal lengths is only going to make things worse. However the tracking quality of something like this should be within reach with Aximmetry + EZtrack, right?
The Vive Lighthouse tracking technology suffers from jitter by default. It was never intended to be used for professional camera tracking and it uses cheap consumer parts. EZTeack can filter the tracking data to hide some of the jitter, but it will be a bit like putting lipstick on a pig. You definitely shouldn’t use the dejittering in Aximmetry on top of the EZTrack filtering since it will likely only cause more issues.
That being said, looking at the test footage there seems to be some issue beyond tracking jittering. Is your camera and EZTrack system properly genlocked to the same clock source? Is your Aximmetry rendering settings and Decklink output settings (you are capturing the video from a Decklink, right?) running at the same frame rate? Your main Decklink output should have the Sync checkbox enabled.