Issue saving Clean Plate 3D texture



I’m having trouble saving the texture for the Clean Plate 3D. When I capture the texture, it looks correct, but when I click to save it, the ".exr" file turns out completely black (without the saved texture).

Here’s the link to download the generated EXR file:

Some points that might help:

- To get the 3D model recognized, I had to enable the "Use Direction Dependent Clean Plate" option. I’m not sure if this affects the process. Without the "Use Direction Dependent Clean Plate" option enabled, the 3D model wouldn’t appear when doing the Cleanplate process.

- I have the Professional license.

Issue saving Clean Plate 3D texture


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You shouldn't be using the Use Direction Dependent Clean Plate, as it is an experimental option and does not support saving textures.

If, for some reason, you are unable to use your 3D model, we would be happy to help if you can share the model in question.

Warmest regards,

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I have reviewed many posts,I would like to ask, what is the necessity of using the "cleaning board related to direction" option if it cannot be used? Or there may be other uses as well;

Also, I really want to know if there are any restrictions on 3D clean plate under different licenses? (Broadcast,Professional,Studio)。

My 2024.3.0 studio version cannot officially display the 3D board model. If it's an issue with the license version, please let me know to prevent me from continuing in the wrong direction.

This is my model link:

be deeply grateful

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We replied under the other post:

Warmest regards,
