aximmetry loading file, live link face and Noitom cannot be loaded after baking, the file is packaged and sent.


after I enable live linking, I can use aximmetry, but only in live sync mode. The project cannot be baked, indicating that there is a problem. This is very strange. I don't know where the problem is. Thanks.

I hope this screenshot is helpful to you, thank you, thank you very much

I will try the live face method you mentioned tomorrow, but now I have encountered a new problem. When not baking, try to use the online mode. After clicking Run, the data will be returned to UE5. The video data is not in aximmetry. Then, if you turn off UE after baking and start aximmetry, the problem of not being able to load still occurs. This is very strange. This problem has been bothering me for several days. I hope these problems can be solved as soon as possible. Mainly It is possible to associate the live face and Noitom motion capture after baking, and then perform a step to drive the digital human in aximmetry. This is indeed very troublesome, thank you.

This picture is what happens after UE5 is baked, turned off UE, and loaded with aximmetry. So we can only choose to run the file in UE5 and let aximmetry call it in real time, but the data will be fed back to UE instead of staying in aximmetry.

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I suggest you first try to receive live link data from the iPhone and don't try to run any other plugins.
So start a new Unreal project in Unreal Editor for Aximmetry. And install these plugins from the Edit->Plugins window:

  • Live Link

  • Apple ARKit

  • Apple ARKit Face Support

Then cook your project and see if you encounter the error again.

If you don't encounter any errors, then try live sync mode and then continue with the tutorial here:
Note, that we didn't experience any crash or cooking errors with those plugins.

If you still didn't have any errors after cooking again. Then you should install the plugins that you intend to use one by one, and see if the plugin install, cooking, or starting the project in Aximmetry produces an error. You should do this after each plugin, as we need to find out which plugin is causing the issue.

Also, I need access to the google drive folder to download it.

Warmest regards,

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Hello, now the plug-in installation problem has been solved. The plug-in can be used and installed, but now the live link face is not available in baking mode, and Noiton is not available after baking. After clicking Run, the Aximmetry data display will return to UE. Inside, it is not displayed in aximmetry. There are many problems. Noitom will no longer work after UE is run. Can you help me solve the problem of live link face being baked in iPhone and then called in aximmetry? Or the running mode is also available, let me use it first, thank you
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I am not sure how the Aximmetry data display returns to UE. A video or screenshots of this phenomenon would help a lot in figuring out a solution to it.

If you using Perception Neuron (Noitom) for camera tracking, then you should do so from Aximmetry:

If you using Perception Neuron (Noitom) for mocap (body tracking), then you will need to implement this in Unreal if you want to use the Perception Neuron in cooked mode:

The Live Link Face works with this iPhone app:
You should carefully follow the tutorial here:

For the Live Link Face plugin to work in cooked mode, you need to apply a default Live Link preset:

You can set the Live Link preset at Edit->Project Settings->Plugins->LiveLink->Default role settings.
More on this here:

Warmest regards,

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Thank you for your reply. This file prompts this picture when I create a new aximmetry camera. After I create a new project and reload the metahuman character, the prompt will not appear. However, after saving and reopening the new project, this will appear again. I feel that this is the prompt. It will appear that when I run UE, the data will not be fed back to aximmetry, but will only be generated in UE. Thank you.

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The prompt says that the camera's directory already exists in the project's files (content):

It does not mean that it is added to your level (map).
You probably want to add the camera to every level you use. To do so, you either add a camera blueprint from the directory:

Or you use the Aximmetry menu:

However, if use the Aximmetry menu, you will get the prompt as in your screenshot, on which you can click yes and it will not affect your previously added cameras.

You probably experience that the data is not fed back to aximmetry because the camera is not saved in the level or you load a different level in Aximmetry.
So after adding the camera make sure you save the level. And make sure that your level is set as the Game Default Map:

  • Go to Edit / Project Settings / Project / Maps & Modes / Default Maps
  • Set both Editor Startup Map and Game Default Map to your map
    Note: If you rename or move the map asset you have to clear and select the startup maps again because Unreal is not updating the project settings correctly.

More on it here:

Warmest regards,

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Hello, thank you for your reply. Now there is a new situation, display plug-in problem. It seems that the bug needs to be solved step by step. Thank you.

[LogPluginManager] Plugin 'MetaHuman' failed to load because module 'MetaHumanMeshTracker' could not be found.  Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

[LogPluginManager] Plugin 'MetaHuman' failed to load because module 'MetaHumanMeshTracker' could not be found.  Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

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People have similar problems with the MetaHuman plugin here:

You should check if this file exists in the marketplace folder of the original Unreal and the Unreal Editor for Aximmetry: /MetaHuman/Binaries/Win64/UnrealEditor-MetaHumanMeshTracker.dll

Warmest regards,

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Hello, I have this file in both softwares, but it still doesn’t work after baking. It’s very strange. Thank you for your reply.

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Actually, you should get this warning when you install the Metahuman plugin:
LogAximmetry: Warning: Could not build MetaHuman. (UnrealBuildTool exited with 6.)
LogAximmetry: Warning: Source code not found. The source code is required for building the plugin.
LogAximmetry: Warning: This plugin will not be available in Cooked mode, only in the editor.

This is because the Metahuman plugin doesn't have all its source code in the plugin. You can only use the Metahuman plugin in the live sync mode.

Warmest regards,

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Thank you for your reply. I have changed it over and over again. In the end, I still have to implement metahuman in real-time mode. The main reason is that I am afraid that UE will occupy too many resources or be unstable in real-time mode. Anyway, this is the only way. It is indeed aximmetry UE. The plug-in support for native UE is still quite poor, thank you.
