Perception Neuron


780.5x130.609 (Original: 1231x206) Hello!

I've downloaded and installed the LiveLink plug in for Axis Neuron and it works seamlessly in UE4.25.

Their documentation explains to create a plugins folder in the project. 

So, I create a new project in UE 4.25 for Aximmetry and create the plugins folder.

I have the correct version of the plug in for 4.25 and this is the error I get. Clicking yes to rebuild does not work. Is this possible to do? And if it can work will I be able to cook the project and do real time mocap with Axis Neuron inside Aximmetry? That's my end goal. Thanks!


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ahmed ahmed

As aximmetry guidelines for 3rd party plugins installtion suggest you need to have :

Original Unreal Editor beside unreal for aximmetry Editor.

You need to add the plugin to Original UE market folder 

Then you need to install the plugin using install plugin option in unreal for aximmetry Editor

You can read the guide here

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Perception Neuron is now also supported inside the latest Aximmetry Composer (2023.1.0):

The full changelog of Aximmetry version 2023.1.0: 

Warmest regards,
