Moving Billboard (Talent) in scene via keyframes/path etc.


Hi guys,

i`m pretty new to Aximmetry but i love the programm so far.

I wanted to know if its possible to move the talent/billboard i have inside Aximmetry via movement paths etc. So the talent can move inside the greenscreen from left to right but i wanted to move the talent even further inside the scene (like i`m dragging it around with my mouse but with something like keyframes etc. that i can use and trigger with a press of a button or something and then the talent is moving from one position to another (without actually moving inside the greenscreen).

I hope you guys can understand what i mean :)


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In htis ( post, I explained how I created a generic object mover (and also move the billboard).

The billboard transformation data are in a collection "B1 Data".

You  connect the pin as follows:

1. You copy the data the collection with the copy Collection 

2. You extract the key Transformation

3. You create a sequencer and a sequence node. There, I play with the deltas of my object. How it moves up, down.. etc.
Look at this video about the sequencer (

4. Then we wish to add that delta transform we generated in the sequencer, to the original to create the new position.
I use the scene node to do that (i do not know if there is another node that does just the transformation)

5. From the scene node, I get the final transformation, and now i have to update the collection with the new value.

6. I use a set transformation and update the value in the Transform key.

7. The other keys that need updating are those affecting reflections, shadows, etc, that have to move as well. Those extra keys are

shadow transform, Refl transform, AO Transform

We feed them the same course, and then we feed that collection back to the scene.

Hope it helps as a starting point.

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I have created it as a compound for you to explore it and change it if you like. Its very easy

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Damn, thank you very much, i will try it out :D

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Blackfish Studio

Thank you for the great tutorial and the creative solution.

Just a quick note for the people who try to follow this in the feature, is that the key for the transformation is "Transform".

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do you maybe still have the compound you created in the link above? I sadly lost the file and the link isn`t working anymore :|

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Hi LostAiming,

Did you get stuck putting together what is in the screenshot, If so, ask freely, we can help with it.

Note, that we have documentation on the collection data type here:

Or you could do this small tutorial to move the Billboard:
This will also work with billboards rendered by Aximmetry (virtual turned off). And in scenes rendered by Aximmetry (SE).

Warmest regards,

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Hi. Sorry for not answering earlier, I am busy coding something else and have not logged in for a long time.

I actually do not use that anymore. I use a transformation switch, to store 16 desired billboard positions and then "smooth transition" module from one position to another (that is the output of the compound).

Now the output of the compound needs to be the input of the starting position of the billboard (the one you find on the billboard page)

The only thing I have to do is expose that pin to the virtual cam compound.

Actually, this last step is not even required after the latest update. You can make a playlist that can now accept transformations, and you can change that in there. I did not have time to do that. When I have I will post  a complete solution.

It looks like this. The positions, let you interactively place them on the scene, and then you just select them and they move from position to position.
