Iclone / CC4 / Aximmetry Error


I've installed the plugin for Iclone and Character Creator for Unreal 5, it works fine in the Engine however when it comes to importing the project into Aximmetry for U5 I keep getting this fatal error.

Can Anyone help?

[LogStreaming] Couldn't find file for package /Script/LiveLinkAnimationCore requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Script/LiveLinkAnimationCore

[LogStreaming] This will hitch streaming because it ends up searching the disk instead of finding the file in the pak file.

[LogStreaming] Found 1 dependent packages...

[LogStreaming]   /Game/RLContent/CC3_Base_Plus/CC3_Base_Plus_AnimationBlueprint

[LogStreaming] Please cook the project and try again.

[LogProperty] Struct type unknown for property 'StructProperty /Game/RLContent/CC3_Base_Plus/CC3_Base_Plus_AnimationBlueprint.CC3_Base_Plus_AnimationBlueprint_C:AnimGraphNode_LiveLinkPose'; perhaps the USTRUCT() was renamed or deleted?

[LogProperty] Struct type unknown for property 'StructProperty /Game/RLContent/CC3_Base_Plus_0/CC3_Base_Plus_0_AnimationBlueprint.CC3_Base_Plus_0_AnimationBlueprint_C:AnimGraphNode_LiveLinkPose'; perhaps the USTRUCT() was renamed or deleted?

[LogThreadingWindows] Runnable thread FAsyncLoadingThread crashed.

[LogWindows] === Critical error: ===


[LogWindows] Assertion failed: SchemaIt != SchemaEnd [File:E:\Build2\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\UnversionedPropertySerialization.cpp] [Line: 669] 





[LogWindows] Crash in runnable thread FAsyncLoadingThread

Unreal Engine stopped. Please save and reopen your compound.


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I solved this problem, but I don't know how to make the live link work. have you installed the requirements according to the ax docs?

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Hi Jeffrey,

How did you solve this problem?

We have a separate thread for issues with live link in cooked mode: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/2243-unreal-5-for-aximmetry-and-realillusion
You might find my link there helpful if this is your problem.

Warmest regards,

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Hi, I know it's been a wjile since this thread has been posted on, but was wondering if anyone has solved the issue with iClone Live Link in Aximmetry UE 5, as I am persuing the opportunity to setup a workflow that includes the Aximmetry DE UE 5.1, thanks for any steer.

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Antony's question was answered here: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/3358-reallusion-character-crator-iclone-8-aut 
There are no more issues with iClone if using the latest aximmetry (Unreal 5.2+).

Warmest regards,
