Using Same Sequencer to play animation forward and backwards in same time


Can we use Sequencer to play animation forward and backwards in same time?

if no can I suggest the following:

1-Adding two new Triggers Play forward and Play backwards 

and maybe fast forward and fast backwards.

2-Adding jump to Next marker and jump to previous Mark Triggers.

3-Allow the user to configure the markers state or type.

For example, the user can set marker 1 state as hold animation, marker 2 as play animation forward to the end or to next marker and marker 3 as play backwards to previous marker or to the beginning of the animation etc.

   ahmed ahmed

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ahmed ahmed

Any updates about this topic?

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Thanks we will consider it.

In the meantime you can implement most of it.

For example for #1:

You can create a group with two trigger inputs. Inside there is a sequencer. Both triggers trigger the play. 

These two triggers can be also used to switch between playing forward and backward if you use a Bitoggle node.

For #2: you can already implement it based on what we discussed in the other topic about animation. You can use an in Incremental node to change between values with triggers.