Select custom marker in Sequencer


I need to select which marker to jump to in Sequencer?

Also If I need too trigger events to move in different markers how to do that ? 

so for example I need to create animation like this

1-in animation for showing cube on screen

2-the cube is flipped to show I'm or video 

3-the box scale to fit full screen 

4-after the video finished the cube is restored to its orginal size.

5-all the animation can be triggered by user

   ahmed ahmed

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Put a marker at the start of each animation part you described.

Using the Jump To Marker property and the Jump trigger you can start any parts immediately.

You also have to stop the sequencer at the next marker. That can be done via the Halt At Marker propery.

These can be handled in various ways.
For e.g. if you want to do a simple control by simple providing the index of the animation you want to start you can do the following:

This structure jumps to the animation each time Index of the anim is changed.   Add add 1 to the current index resulting in stopping the sequencer at the next marker.

You can also use the Incremental module if you want to go through all the animations in sequence:

In this way you simply have to trigger Increment by a simple button click repeatedly. 

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ahmed ahmed

I think That i get some results but there are some problems as fellow:

1-I cant see the animation until I press render why that?

2-How do do reverse animation  like forward animation?

3-Also how to do end to start animation from last marker to first marker?

Can you give me an example file having all these animations

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ahmed ahmed

any suggestions for doing reverse animation? 

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1. DO NOT press render. It has another purpose. Always use the Start/Stop buttons on the left side or the Space/Enter keys.
If it do not start it can be because the sequencer is not used by anything at the moment.  For e.g. the graphics element the sequencer control is not active curently.

2/3. Use the Backwards property of the Sequencer.
Also you might want to set On Stop Go To to the last marker (or Loop End)

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ahmed ahmed

But I cant see the animation without  pressing render as you see in the video witch i have sent

also if I enable Backwards property of the Sequencer the forward animation stop working .

So how to fix that?

also are there any example about this type of projects?

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As I've suggested use the Play button:

I can't see on the video that you've tried using Play or not.
If it's not working we'll have to find the cause of it.

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ahmed ahmed

When clicking on Play button we dint need to click on render button.

But Forwards and Backwards animation dint work when activate Backwards toggle.

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ahmed ahmed

Also when looping and auto loop reg checked

the animation work normally first time then other loops  the animation keep working non stop.

This when Backwards unchecked and Marker as On Stop Go To option 


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ahmed ahmed

Any new fixes for this problem?

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ahmed ahmed

the problem with Backwards mode  is still exists so can aximmetry fix this bug please?

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We can't see any problem. When the "Backwards" is on then everything is played backward as it should be.
Can you please demonstrate this "problem"?

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ahmed ahmed

This is a simple project which  I have created to show animation problem

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ahmed ahmed

As you see the animation didnt start from out animation but  from loop animation

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Thank you, we can see what the problem is.

Here is a section of your graph:

When you press increment it will change "Jump to Marker" and "Halt at Marker" of the "Sequencer".
There is an "Add" node so the "Halt at Marker" value will be one more than the "Jump to Marker" value.
It is easy to see why it is good in the forward case.
If you jump to for example to the 2nd marker then you have to stop at the 3rd marker.

However if you want to do everything backward then, if you jump to the 2nd marker then you have to stop at the 1st marker.
So, if you change backward to "on" then you have to change the "B" value "Add" to "-1" (OR change the Add to Subtract and keep the "B" value on "1")

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ahmed ahmed

Thanks for your help , but in case we need more flexible setup that support  forword and backwords animations.

So we that Animation finished we can start over or backwards the animation.

How to do such setup ?

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ahmed ahmed

Any suggestion on having animation system that support forward /backwards animations in same time?

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ahmed ahmed

 I think that using Combiner Node/Combiner Block solve forward and backwards animations.

But what about using same objects but with different animations for example

-We have 4 rectangles

-when we click 1 first rectangle expanded and other shapes scaled to 0

-then when click on 2 fist shape returns to its original state and also other shapes returns to its  original state

- then second shape expand and others disappeared .


How to do such animation setup?

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