Rendering Multiple Unreal "Render Passes"?


What is the best way to run multiple different renders of Unreal at the same time? (e.g. we want to run one RGB pass, one depth pass, another special mask, all triggered by sequencer for the same camera)

Should we create multiple Unreal instance/nodes? Or is there another, better way?

Ideally on each frame Aximmetry would render all three different "versions"/passes in Unreal at once (to reduce overhead/compute time)

Or can we do it with a single Unreal component, but output three different versions from that component?


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Hi Jim,

One Aximmetry on one computer can only run one Unreal Project. However, with a multi-machine configuration, you can run more than one Unreal project.

Yes, the ideal way is to do it all in one Unreal render pass.
For future reference about getting out more from the Unreal render pass, there is a discussion of it here:

Warmest regards
