Hi I just want to know is there any option to key different shades of green screen at a time like keyer 1 and keyer 2 so that we can select different shades of green which gives clean key because i'm using one shade of green for backdrop and for floor i'm using different shade green so when i try to key it is affecting the billboard and makes it appear noisy and transparent.
Hi Samuel,
We suggest trying to use the Clean Plate option in the keyer instead of such drastic methods as using 2 keyers.
Motionworx explains in this thread how to use Clean Plate: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/469-advanced-b-keyer---use-clean-plate-clean
Also, please follow our documentation here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/tutorials/for-studio-operators/using-the-advanced-b-keyer/
If there is a slight shading difference between the greens, then the Clean Plate option and careful setting of the keying should be enough.
(Note Clean Plate only works with stationary cameras)
Warmest regards,