Car driving


Hello! Looking for a solution to the problem I use aximmetry DE to shoot a scene in a real car on a chromakey. Driver is sitting in the foreground and background should move like when driving a car. If I record the camera movement in unreal engine with sequancer and activate it via a trigger, the main aximmetry camera is replaced and I don't see the actor. I don't understand how to do this in blueprint. I need the independent movement of the background camera and the image from it behind the actor. I would be grateful for your advice


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I'm having the same issue, but instead, I tried to apply this concept using a Tracked Camera inside Unreal, and have the camera go up an elevator which was animated using Sequencer.

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Hm...   you could try put Aximmetry_Camera under a parent node,  then animate that parent node instead of the camera.   I'm not sure it works as expected, could you test it?

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Walter Beddoe - Showcase Media


Someone achieved this? 

Aximmetry admin could you point us to a solution please?

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Hi Walter,

It is possible to do it like in my second post here:
However, it can cause problems with the billboards, which is also detailed later on in that thread.

Warmest regards,

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Walter Beddoe - Showcase Media
Im using LED wall compound, so my solution was to animate the camera directly on Aximmetry´s Sequencer editor and it works fine with some limitations. 
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Hi Walter,

If you are animating every movement in Aximmetry, like with the Sequence editor, then you should have no problems.
You can even combine these with tracked camera movements.

And If you can describe your limitations and your scene in more detail, then we can probably give more specific help or suggestions.

Warmest regards,
