Hello, we are preparing project, where we will need to have realtime data visualized by column graphs.
What is the best way to do it?
The column size could be set easily by value/y position etc.
But how to put there text parameter? I need to display 75% etc above the column.
It could be fed from Aximmetry to Unreal or from online database/file
Any ideas?
Thank you
Hi Jan,
Yes, it can be fed from Aximmetry.
In the blue-print use Get Aximmetry Text nodes to create text pins you can fed from Aximmetry.
On the Aximmetry side you can fetch the data from plain text file, JSON, XML file, SQL database, RSS feed etc.
Check the examples in the [Tutorials]:Lower Thirds folder.
They're not Unreal based, but you can see the data reading methods.
Also please check this on using the Collection data type and the data files in general: