The camera's of the Stockeds project look blurry. And I can't find the setting to set the resolution the same as my output. It looks 720p. In the Billboard the keyed input 4K looks very detailed and OK. The Final output the camera's look terrible.
I tried the latest update with no change, and the demo projects look fine. So it must be related to a UE4 setting.
In the game mode blueprint, I tried to add the Event Begin Play node and wire that into an "Execute Console Command" node with the command "setres 1920x1080" to change the resolution when the game begins. No change
I created in the Config directory a DefaultGameUserSettings.ini file with ResolutionSizeX and ResolutionSizeY, no change.
In the UE Viewport I changed the resolution from 1280x720 to 1920x1080, no change.
I'm out of options, it must be something simple, and I need it very urgently for a live show.
Thanks in advance for your help.
In Aximmetry, the UE4 project will render at the same resolution as the resolution set in the Aximmetry project settings. Don’t set the resolution in UE4. We usually run Aximmetry at an internal resolution of 4K, even if the final output is 1080p.
If you select the UE4 node in the Main compound you can also manually set what resolution the UE4 scene is rendering at, independently from the project resolution. Change the default 0.0 to the highest resolution your GPU can take.
Finally, for a sharper render of the Billboard you can disable Allow Virtuals in Camera & Render Setup in the Camera panel.