Configure AR and fix



we are trying to create a project for a job using Unreal Engine, and Aximmetry, but we want to use AR.

Only we were unable to stop the 3D element, it keeps moving when moving the camera, it is not getting stuck in tracking.

I looked for help in a tour and followed exactly those who have, but without success.

How can I use Aximmetry AR?


Tracker - HTC Vive Tracker. 


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Please also this documentation part on adjusting the camera parameters:

If you have that the most common cause of the gliding of the 3D objects is that the floor level of the real space and the virtual space are differ.

- Make sure your 3D objects are placed on the Z=0 plane in the Unreal project.

- Make sure the zero plane of your tracking system is at the real floor of your studio.  E.g. you can use this triangulation method: 
