He all, Like most of you. Ive been plugging away at this virtual production thing for the past year. gone through all the various Unreal Engine nDisplay setups, Reality Engine, Composure workflows, etc. found Aximmetry a few months ago, game changer! it finally streamed line the setup to a point i could start taking gigs doing VP at least greens screen style...but i also have some scenrio's where I need to work with projection and/or LED walls and do the all so painful nDisplay setup.... But with this newest update, I see included compounds and UE blueprints for LEDWallCam,...Now.....I have spent days smashing away trying to make this setup work....very little luck. Tracker doesnt seem to control the camera at all. all the fill cameras are pointing the same way, no matter how I rotate the LED screens. output is extremely low res. even when i turn up the Fill Res multiplier. or Fustrum Res Multiplier. Am I missing something? I went through the wiki 7 or 8 times? Is it Broken? Is this a Broadcast Only Feature?
I think that to use LEDWallCam* compounds you need broadcast license.
You can request aximmetry broadcast demo license from aximmetry sales or support .