Megascans not getting into UE, bridge says exported successfully


Hey folks,

Just getting into demoing AXI and i'm at the point where i want to start adding scene elements in UE. I have megascans / bridge installed. i followed the instructions from AXI to do so and it seems to be correctly working within UE for AXI, in bridge i still have it set to export to the non-AXI unreal directory, as per the instructions, and left default project blank. When i hit export, bridge says it's successful, but the assets never enter the project. I tried changing the directory to AXI unreal plugins folder, but it didn't like that so i set it back.

Thanks in advance!

   Darren Levine

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Hi Darren,

We tested this with multiple assets and it seems to work fine.
We installed the Unreal plugin via Bridge. The plugin that can be downloaded for manual installation (from seems to be outdated, so don't use that one.
The export settings in Bridge should look like this:
  Engine Version: 4.26
  Plugin Location: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26\Engine\Plugins
  Default Project: (empty)
I hope this helps. If you still experience the issue check the Unreal log for errors.