V Ray only working in live link mode


Hi All

Have any of you got projects with V-ray textures to work in baked mode. Mine work in live link mode but give the error - 

"[LogPluginManager] Plugin 'VRayForUnreal' failed to load because module 'VRayForUnrealBase' could not be found.  Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.".

The plugin works as expected in unreal editor.

ETA the module is present in the .uplugin file


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Hi Zoltan, Yes I followed the instructions, i have since fixed this issue although I will record how in case anyone else has the same issue. 

First i tried to add a dummy C++ class to the project as this has fixed this error in the past with other builds (do not try this as if it does not compile it is fairly involved to rescue your project) this did not compile but checking to logs indicated .Net 4.7 framework was missing which i installed. This was not a fix in itself and may be irrelevant.

Next I disabled the plugin and moved to the files UE for Aximmetry root plugin directory from marketplace, I then reinstalled from the Aximmetry menu. When trying to cook it failed, upon examination of the log it saw a duplicate key. On inspection of the plugin folders the process has moved the plugin back to the marketplace directory and left the files in the root as well. Deleting the original files the root plugin folder leaving the new ones in the marketplace everything works as expected in Aximmetry.

I'm not sure where i went wrong on the installation to make it half work or if it is the missing .Net framework on the machine- i will try to recreate the issue next time i install on a new machine as edit this post accordingly.


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Hi Will,

Originally in the Aximmetry Unreal Plugins folder there shouldn't have been any VRay plugin in the first place.
Is it possible that you acciedentally installed the plugin into Unreal for Aximmetry and not into the official Unreal?
