Camera Transitions


What is the way to do add camera transitions like fade for example?, On the direct selection and on the playlist sequencer also?

   Francis LuzArt

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Dear Francis

If you want the automatic transition between a number of videos the simplest way is to use the Switch Video Smooth module.
You can select between several cross-fading modes and you can specify the transition time.
After that, you only have to switch the Selected property and the transition is automatic.


If you need a manual transition between two videos the basic module for that is Crossfader.
Moving the Fade property between 0 and 1 controls the transition.


You can also do effected transition. There are a number of preset compounds that you can find in [Common]:Compounds\Transitions.

In the example the Phase property controls the transition:


Of course, you put together your own effect, too.
If you want to examine how the existing ones work, just Alt + Double-click on the compound to open and enter it.

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Francis LuzArt

Thank you so much, but my question is about the trasitions between cameras (Billboards)

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Francis LuzArt

Crossfader but on between billboards cameras

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Francis LuzArt

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Francis LuzArt

Dear Ahmed 

Any answer?

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Francis LuzArt

Dear Ahmed 

Any answer?

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Francis LuzArt

Dear Ahmed 

Any answer?

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You can’t do crossfades between different virtual cameras, since only one perspective from the UE4 scene can be rendered at a time.

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Hi Francis,

With current tools we provide only one camera angle can be rendered at a time. Thus you cannot do crossfade unfortunately. In the future we may add the necessary features.

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FLC Plus

Hello guys,

Can I do the transition for one cam?

What connections should I make in order for it to take place for specific paths only?


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FLC Plus


Please help guys. I want to create fading transition from one cam path to another (on same virtual cam).

Thank you.

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Hi Ahmed,

There is a trigger button for the Switch Video Module on every input, is it possible to have that trigger button assignt to a keyboard shortcut or any other external control?

Thank you

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@FLC Plus: If you look at the answers in this thread, you can see that fading between camera paths (perspectives) can’t be done. 

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FLC Plus

@TwentyStudios thank you.

Do you know if or how can I create 2 outputs, one with one path and on the second output a different cam path?

Thanks again!

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@FLC Plus: Again, it’s not possible to render the scene from two camera perspectives simultaneously. That functionality would be required to do what you’re trying to do.

in our studio we’re using one computer per virtual (and real) camera, which allows us to cut and fade between them on an external vision mixer.

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FLC Plus

Thank you so much. No chance or way of creating this effect on one computer?

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@FLC Plus: No, not in the current version of Aximmetry. Why do you want to do fades anyway? In my opinion, hard cuts is what is used in 95% of all professional productions 99% of the time.

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Hi FLC Plus,

In the future we'll probably add the feature of rendering multiple camera angles on the same machine, but I cannot tell any date yet.
