Social media Integration


How to use Social media websites as data source in lower thirds?

for example using Facebook posts as lower third data source

or somethink like this

   ahmed ahmed

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Currently there is no direct interface for social media content access.
In the future we'll add these.

Currently the closest thing you can utilize is our screen capture functionality, please read this post:

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ahmed ahmed

Sorry to reopen old topics,but are there any improvement  in Social media Integration feature?

As this will help in number of projects based on aximmtery lower third tools

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ahmed ahmed

Are there any updates regarding social media integration with aximmetry ?

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Endorfine Productions

Hi Ahmed,

It's kind of a must nowedays when broadcasting or livestreaming. I'm working on a project were a radio program uses twitter, app and incomming calls on the radio but whe want to make a livestreaming version on social channels with live incoming calls trough skpe (or maybe zoom). VMix has a great feature with cals coming in by NDI. The caller get's a web link with a code and there you go. Copy paste Aximmetry maybe ;-))
