Working with aximmetry DE and using the virtual cameras is there a method to access and edit the camera's coordinates for a more precise positioning?
I'm using the "VirtualCam_Unreal_A-B_Preview_3-Cam" compound and I can see the camera's coordinates from the "Cam Transform" node if i hover it with the mouse while pressing control but can't find a method to manually specify those values.
I can kinda do it disconnecting the "cam transform" output node of the virtual cam from the homonym input node of the unreal project compound but this way i end up loosing the possibility to set camera paths.
Any advice?
thanks in advance!
Unfortunately at the moment the camera positions that are controlled by mouse cannot be adjusted numerically. It may change in the future.
What you can do is replacing the camera mouse control nodes (called Camera Mover) with a bunch of Switch nodes that enables specifying the positions numerically.
For that unlink the VirualCam compound and enter it by double-click.
Find module INPUT 1 and enter it as well.
Find module VCam_A-B_8_Core, unlink and enter it.
You'll find the two Camera Movers.
One stores and controls all the A endpoints of the paths the other the B endpoints.
Replace both with Switch Transformation modules by rewiring these:
Now if you select the Switch module, you can set all the positions numerically:
Do this for the B points, and also add plain Switch modules for Zoom Factors as well:
Now you can specify meaningful name for all the switches and then select all of them and assign them to the control board for easy access: