No Video Input from Any DirectShow source


We trying to get a Virtual production live stream tomorrow using our new Aximmetry studio DE. But facing problem with getting the came input to the aximmetry. On video input, there is none of the direct show input is working. We tried our HDMI Capture, but says No Input. We are just using a OEM HDMI Capture device, not as fancy like blackmagic or AJA. That capture card is working fine on Vmix or OBS.

We already seen a tutorial that they can just input a webcam to DirectShow input. We've tried that too, but it doesn't work either. We also seen on a Aximmetry Unreal facebook group, that also has same problem with Elgato.

is there anything wrong? Do you guys have any suggestion or similar problem?


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ahmed ahmed
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we are tried that too.. but still no input.. we are using Aximmetry Studio De 2020.8.1
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Have you tried to start Aximmetry with the /dshowlegacy command line parameter?

What is the exact model of your capture card?

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We are using ezCap 265 USB-C HDMI Input. We are just discovered that this device is working on the laptop. We're just testing it on 2 laptop and they are works without using /dshowlegacy. 
