How can you enable DOF for billboards inside of Unreal Engine?


I'm really enjoying the flexibility of Aximmetry and Unreal engine and I've found it simple enough to add extra elements, rigs and functionality so far in terms of graphics, exposing features such as camera aperture etc. 

I'm a little stumped however as to how the billboards are set up and why I can't get DOF working on my billboards. Here is an exaggerated example with close focus.

Everything in the scene except for the billboard is is affected by the physical DOF but I cant see how I would enable it. I'm digging around in the Camera blueprint so I'll report back if I find anything but I'm curious if anyone else has managed to get around this.

It works for planes with alpha materials passed through Aximmetry (seen in the graphic elements above), but it seems the billboards are set up slightly differently.


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The Billboards are a special case since they are set up to bypass the TAA stage in the post processing. Unfortunately I think this means they are rendered after DOF is applied in the post processing pipeline. You might be able to use a normal plane with a translucent material with the Billboard instead, but in that case you’ll get some TAA smudging on the plane.

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Just re commenting on this. I found that if I disable 'render after DOF' in the billboard material in unreal Engine I can get it working. I'm not sure what the downside to this it however.

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Yes, you can play with that option, and it might work for you in special cases.

The reason we do not support it officially is that in most cases it does not provide a correct result, especially at the edges, please see: 

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I can't figure out how to apply a material with the "render after DOF" flag to the billboard.

can you show me the steps? to get a billboard that meets the dof?
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Great all the explained options 

I used the option that Cookseyyyyy explains disabling the "Render after DOF" in the billboard material in unreal Engine and works well except for the issue when the "Show AO" option from the Billboard is active in Aximmetry, but work well for shots where the contact shadow is out of frame.

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Hi Almocar,

You can fix that by turning Render to Depth off on the billboard:

Turning off Render to Depth can lead to other issues.
So as another option, you can set AO material to be rendered after DoF same as the Billboard material:

Warmest regards,
