Transform data from Aximmetry to Unreal changing the scale


Hiya, I'm trying to set up virtual screens with connections between Aximmetry and unreal. I've managed to get both the texture and the transform working but there's one snag. When I'm transforming my plane that the video is playing on I'm stuck with a square plane when originally it was scaled to fit a 16:9 Video.

Here is the OG version in Unreal

and here is it parsed though Aximmetry:

I can see an option to lock the scale dimensions but this seems to only work within UE and isn't respected when moving over to Aximmetry.

Potentially I could work with some geometry of the correct dimensions but if possible it'd be great to get it working with static meshes.


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I just want to say that I do virtual screens with all my projects in Aximmetry DE and never had this happen to me.  My screens always stay at the 16:9 aspect ratio inside Aximmetry DE.   I would be curious what the blueprint is that you are using to generate the screen.

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It's just a static mesh plane straight from the UE editor, it seems to just be defaulting to the standard scale. It's not a blueprint as such, simply a plane with the map properties and material hooked up to Aximmetry.

I did actually fix it by making a 16:9 screen in another 3D package and importing it as a static mesh.  But if there's a better way I'm keen to know!

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It happens because the Transformation coming from Aximmetry also overrides the scaling of your plane.
So you have two options:
a) adding the scaling to the transformation on Aximmetry side
b) add a parent actor for the plane and control the parent's transformation from Aximmetry. For the plane itself only keep the Scale in its Transform in Unreal.

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Vojtěch Vysoudil

Hi, did you solve this problem? Ive got same.

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@ Vojtěch Vysoudil: The explanation and solution is right above your post… 

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Vojtěch Vysoudil

@TwentyStudios It will solve this?

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Yes, it will. Try it. 
