Hello community,
I'm kinda new to aximmetry and i'm struggling with a couple of settings using the DE version of the software.
first of all: shadows!
i'm following the video tutorial but can't understand where to connect the light module in a node structure where the "rendered" pin of the tracked camera node is already occupied by the unreal project's referece node so i can't cast a shadow for my subjects on the green screen
second: a "press f" title appeared in all my monitors and i can't find a way to get rid of it!
(pressing f just does nothing)
Shadows aren’t cast in Aximmetry but by lights inside the UE4 scene. You need some Moveable or Stationary lights in your UE4 scene and you need to enable Cast Shadows on the Billboard in Aximmetry.
The “Press F” title isn’t coming from Aximmetry. It’s a function of the particular UE4 scene you’re using. It’s controlled by a blueprint somewhere in the UE4 scene, so you need to find it and remove it.