Can I import a character with the animation?


Tried a lot of method to import a character with animation

Cash for bones and cash for points

No method worked

Is there a way to do this?


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ahmed ahmed

I think that you can use DAE file format to import animation to aximmetry

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 i am currently using this Type

But it only imports movement from separate objects

Is there a way to import the animation from characters with bones ?

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Hi Huseen,

It should work via DAE.   Can I ask which software do you use for modeling the character?  And which Collada plugin do you use for export and with what options?

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Im trying to test import an animated character from Mixamo...It has a DAE file available, but when I import it in doesnt show pins. what is the proper way of importing characters with animation, directly to Aximmetry?

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Could you send the DAE file to for further investigation?  Thank you.
