Canot hear audio from UE in Aximmetry DE


How to connect Unreal Engine audio to Aximmetry DE?

Are there any workflow recommendations to have audio work?

Thank you


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Currently there is no support for exchanging audio between the two systems.
Can I ask what do you want to achieve exactly?  Do you use an audio feature specific to Unreal Engine?

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I can hear audio from unreal but nowhere to control it. That would be great. Right now I experimenting with triggering in Unreal and playing sound from the trigger. But I also noticed now that I can't control audio it just plays with no further control :)

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Het Nieuwe Kader

I would love to know too, is there anyway we can add something like Get Aximmetry Audio in a blueprint? the same as a Get Aximmetry Trigger or a Get Aximmetry Video node?

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Hello, we have added it to our feature list to be integrated. Hopefully, we will implement it in the coming releases.

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Accenture Labs

Hello Team,

any update on this topic ?

This would be veeeery useful !

Txs !

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Sorry, currently we don't have any new update on this topic.

Warmest regards,

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Accenture Labs

Hello ! Found a workaround thanks to Eric Soulard (Magic Hour)

Unreal Engine model is working with default speaker.  I've switched the default source using VB Cables. then in Aximmetry, declared my audio input by default, rerouted to audio output i wanted. That works perfectly !
