Using Sequencer to transform billboards


Hi there,

I am using a sequencer to control the camera movement instead of standard camera controls, but in doing so the "look at camera" feature for the billboard stops working. Is there a way I can use the sequencer instead to rotate the billboard to always point at the camera?


   Made Up Ltd

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I'm not sure that by "sequencer" do you mean an Unreal or an Aximmetry sequencer.

If the Unreal one, then unfortunately you cannot restore the look at behaviour.
If the Aximmetry one, do the following.

You have to open up the VirtualCam compound and insert you sequencing into into.

Do an Alt+DoubleClick on the VirtualCam compound to enter it.
Find the yellow INPUT 1 compound and enter it as well.

Find the following module.

This is the one that outputs the camera controls.
Add a Camera Mover.  Reconnect all Transform, Zoom Factor and Focus Distance wires from VCam_Core to the Camera Mover.

Now you can attach a Sequencer to the Camera Mover to control it as usual.
