Hi everyone, 

I need help with this one. I'm trying to move a tree in my scene from aximmetry. 
I did this: 
- In UE Editor (last version up to date) i selected the desired item, opened the level blueprints and I connected the staticmeshactor (my tree) as a target of a SetWorldTransform. I connected the return value from the GetAximmetryTransformation node to NewTransform of the SetWorldTransform and also the Event Tick. 
- I did all the proper stuff on the project settings, and cooked the content. 

In Aximmetry, when I import my Uproject, i see the pin of the tree, but when I connect it to the World Tranfor pin of the SceneNode module, the trick doesn't work. If i select my preview1 as shown in the tutorial, i got the three axes on the preview but when i move them i see the transformation in the pin values, and nothing happens in the scene. 

Can you help me? 


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I am also facing the same problem even after setting the mobility to movable. Is there a solution to this?

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I also experienced this unless I clicked on Sequence node (in Aximmetry) and then moved the object.

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Have you set the actor Movable?

Could you also try with not connecting a Scene Node, but setting the pin value directly in the property editor?
