Error While importing UE scene from Unreal Editor for Aximmetry To DE


Hi everyone, 
Please someone can help me with this error i got : 
' Cooked data could not be loaded. Try cooking the project with the proper version of Unreal Editor for Aximmetry. (Cooked data version: 9) '

Im using last version of UE Editor

Thank you so much


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ahmed ahmed

Normally you need to cook the unreal projects using Unreal for aximmetry editor not original unreal editor so try to recook your project using this software

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Hi Mehdicrt,

As Ahmed mentioned, Aximmetry only supports projects cooked with Unreal Editor for Aximmetry. 

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Hi, I tried with unreal for aximmetry and it worked but i can't install Vray for unreal into (unreal edito for aximmetry). Please can you help me ?

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ahmed ahmed

I think that Aximmetry DE currently support only Unreal Engine factory plugins.

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Thank you som much for your support. But i want to know how can i import a vray scene into "Unreal editor for aximmetry"
When i installed vray for unreal into "Unreal editor for aximmetry" i got this error

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Dear Mehdicrt,

VRay is a third-party plugin, hence why it is not yet supported on Unreal Editor for Aximmetry. We are working on a new release that will theoretically support all third party plugins. Hopefully, it will be out soon.
