Hi everyone!
I'm overlaying the foreground footage onto the background scene from Unreal with 'VirtualCam_Unreal'. Then I get merged video in the output, but I also need to get the foreground separately, without background and with the same position and scale as in the merged video. With 'B Texture' output it gives me scale and position as it was on the original foreground footage. Is it possible?
It is only possible if you turn off Allow Virtuals.
In this mode Unreal only renders the background, the billboards are rendered and composited by Aximmetry. Please note that in this mode you cannot apply lighting on the billboard.
Now please enter the VirtualCam_Unreal compound by Alt + doubleclick.
Find the module named "Masker" (Ctrl+F then start typing the name). Its output contains the pure image of the billboards.
Wire it out to the right. Now you have the desired layer from outside.