3D MAX file import issue


Hi, I just have few questions regading the Aximmetry. 

I am currently using the Aximmetry Community SE version for my own study. 

I have realized that I had few issues with this.

1. I have exported .DAE file from 3D Max into the program, however I am keep getting the command saying “Too Many objects” and not importing any of the data. 

I am curious to whether I am not able to importing all the materials and layers from the file because I am using the community version of the program? would the Broadcasting or studio, any higher version of the program would resolve this  issue?

This is my screen when I import the file.

2. When I import a file with material, I am keep getting the following prism-colored in the preview. I do have all the material in the file as you can see in the node, however it is not showed in the preview mode.


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Here is what i'm doing:

1- install DATASMITH exporter from UE store

2- open and export DATASMITH from MAX 

3- open UE for aximmetry

4- create new empty game

5- enable DATASMITH importer plugin from plugins page.

6- click on DATASMITH button on top toolbar of UE

7- import DATASMITH file

8- cook for Aximmetry

9- import UE project into Aximmetry.

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Hi Jozee:  thank you, but the question was for SE edition.

Hi bepctangent,

1. You get Too Many objects error if the number of objects are more than 200 in your model.
Please merge as many object as possible in your scene.

2. You get the default texture if you not specified importing the materials as well.  Do the following:

Please note that only Basic materials can be exported from 3DS Max.  For VRay  etc. you will get the Shader nodes, but without textures or any properties, you have to setup the material yourself.
