REQUEST: Bring back old Outputs panel functionality


Hi all!

It's great to see that the developments are moving forward, however with the latest release I noticed that the start up screen did not only change (from it's sheer tech simplicity from before), but also got significantly slower, at least making a startup time 3x slower, which is not really an improvement.

Personally I was completely content with the "old" startup screen, and although I understand that it might have been confusing to some, I personally liked it.

Is there a way to make the legacy startup the default (and so it doesn't need to buffer the entire new startup screen with each start) to keep it nice and lean, like before?

Request: Option to Set Legacy Startup as Default

REQUEST: Bring back old Outputs panel functionality

Further on, I find the new output configuration system cumbersome compared to the previous version.

Earlier one could easily configure outputs with a simple dropdown menu—everything was in one place, offering full control and an immediate overview.

Now, to route outputs, I have to scroll through the Video Outputs sub-window, drag and drop sources, and wait for the preview to load, whereas before, it was instantaneous.

I understand the goal is to make the process more streamlined and beginner-friendly, but the new approach results in a negative impact in speed in routing output sources.

I have to scroll between my outputs, and then drag and drop things:

(Keep in mind there is extra space in the bottom, so adding the option to resize various elements in the window would be an improvement)

REQUEST: Bring back old Outputs panel functionality

Versus the old one:

REQUEST: Bring back old Outputs panel functionality

It was clean, fast and offered a complete overview, where I could reroute outputs with a single click. (Something that takes 4-5 clicks now, including scrolling, dragging things down, and then dragging things up etc.)

I am somewhat passionate about this subject, as I am a big fan of Aximmetry's blazing fast speed, utilitarianism and no nonsense approach... but unfortunately, the recent UI change seems to move away from these elements rather than enhancing them.

However I must admit it is probably a more welcoming screen for a newcomer, but as an experienced user it makes changing video Outputs more demanding.

I also made a comparison video highlighting the startup time differences between 2024.3.0 and 2025.1.0:

9.6 seconds startup time vs 27.5 seconds

Suggestion for fixing this:

1) Let the user set the old loader as default (So experienced users can keep blazing fast startup times still)

2) Incorporate the Old Output Panel functionality:

Similarly to Total Commander's List / Thumbnail views, add a button, to change between these modes, so both beginners and power users can operate the system conveniently:

REQUEST: Bring back old Outputs panel functionality

All the best,

Laszlo // SpeakerBee


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Hi Laszlo,

You can always start with the old startup screen using the /legacystartup command line switch.

We are also working on making the new screen faster.

Thank you for your suggestions and for sharing your experiences!

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Thanks for the heads up!
