Hideable Pin Values ?


There's a way to hide some settings in the pin values when they're not in use?

Hideable Pin Values ?

Hideable Pin Values ?

I made this example group to show. In image 1 the settings for feature 2 still appear even though the feature 2 is 'off'. There's a way to make them behave like in image 2? Hiding the settings for feature 2 when feature 2 if off? 

   Mauro Manso

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Currently, you cannot show or hide pins by using a Logical pin.

However, with Integer pins, you can use the submod list to show or hide a module's pins. Since this module can be a Pin Collector, you can show and hide any pins. You can find more information on the submod list here:https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/scripting-in-aximmetry/flow-editor/special-pin-names/#submod-list 

If you're interested, I can add a request to our internal list to make the submod list feature available for Logical pins.

Warmest regards,

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Mauro Manso


"If you're interested, I can add a request to our internal list to make the submod list feature available for Logical pins."
Yes, please add this request in the list.

Also, this solution "However, with Integer pins, you can use the submod list to show or hide a module's pins." brings another problem, you can't assign shortcuts to submod list.  Would be nice to have this feature too, having the option to assign each option in the list to a shortcut:

Hideable Pin Values ?


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We have added your request for the submod list for logical pins to our request list, and we will consider including it in future releases.

The feature to assign keys with different values for a pin, hence allowing you to assign them to list elements, was already on our request list, so  I have bumped it.

Warmest regards,
