Hi all!
Is it possible to add extra attributes/properties to a tracking recorder .FBX ?
For example I'd like to store an additional scalar value, to link to something in Unreal later on.
In Maya you can add extra attributes to an object, and when exported as FBX it shows the same properties in Blender for example.
Hi Niels,
Adding extra ones is not possible yet. If you would like, we can add your request to our internal list for consideration in future releases.
In the meantime, there are possible workarounds: If you're not using focus or zoom, you can repurpose those scalar values for anything else you need to store in the FBX file. Alternatively, if focus and zoom are in use, you might be able to utilize the camera transformation's scale values instead. Another option is to record two separate FBX files simultaneously: one for standard values without any modification and another fully hijacked for any additional values you require.
Warmest regards,