How to convert ARUCO Marker 3D Coordinates to 2D Screencoordinates (u/v)?


Hi there.

The Marker Detector does a great job with generating 3D Coordinates of the Markers in relation to the Camera. 
In this case I'm using a PTZ Camera at a fixed position, bringing the Pan/Tilt/Zoom in via FreeD Protocol.

I now want to convert the 3D Coordinates to 2D Coordinates.
Basically like a '2D Tracker' that delivers screen coordinates of the position of the marker within the camera frame.

How to convert ARUCO Marker 3D Coordinates to 2D Screencoordinates (u/v)?

Is there an easy way to do so in Axy, or do I need to setup all those rotation matrices manually to get the position of the markers in the frame?
(Plus, I probably have to introduce the intrinsics like zoom, fov, etc, as well?)

Cheers & all the best.



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Sort of answering my own question :-)
After unsuccessfully going through the ordeal of trying to apply the cameras rotation matrix with self-rolled quaternion calculations to re-project the marker positions in 2D; I found it much more convenient to place a rectangle in 3D Space based on the markers position and render the lot through a virtual cam which receives the PTZ data via a Camera Tracking module.

So... it's sorted :-)
