OSC request - Send default feedback


I use OSC to send TO aximmetry a lot. It is very easy to use. The main problem is feedback.
Yes, you can add a compound that sends feedback but you have to hunt down the compounds. inside other compounds, and that is in the easy case of triggers. If you want to react on value change... to much compound polution.

A suggestion and an easy fix.

When we assign an OSC path to a button or to a value, create at the same time a feedback to the same path on the default OSC server. This solves the problem immediately. If we delete the assignment, we delete the feedback too.

We change a value; the OSC feedback is triggered. We press a button (inside Aximmetry); we trigger feedback.

Feedback is sent (or not?) even when we change the value (or trigger) through OSC. Why? Because that way, we can sync multiple OSC control panels.

PANEL A sends a command; Aximmetry competes and sends feedback; the server gets the feedback and updates all panels.

Of course the last part is custom implementation on the user end, but sending feedback would make things much better.


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Thank you for your suggestion.
We added it to our request list and we will consider adding it in future releases.

Warmest regards,
