Camera Sequencer instructions


Is there a more detailed instruction on actually using the camera sequencer module for V CAMs than the short paragraph in the documentation? I get that it works like a classic DVE keyframe editor, but being only able to capture some rather random positions and then twiddling the numbers manually until it looks right is really tiresome; I can't even find a way to copy a complete camera position from one track to another. Also where does it actually get it's data from? Switching the camera to free mode and capturing positions does not give me the right input...

   Stefan Reck

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Stefan Reck


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You can find documentation for the Camera Sequencer here:

Documentation for the Sequence Editor is available here: 

To use the Camera_Sequencer and record new positions, you must not be in Free Camera mode. You also need to select the SEQ path:
Camera Sequencer instructions
This is necessary because it retrieves the position from its own module which also drives the playback, these are the PATH 1-16 modules (Camera Mover module type).

Additionally, ensure that the Sequencer is stopped when recording a position:

You can copy and paste selected parts (tracks) using CTRL+C and CTRL+V. However, you must first delete the part at the location where you intend to paste it. Alternatively, instead of selecting parts, you can select multiple keyframes by using a drag rectangle selection, and then copy and paste them.

Warmest regards,
