Aximmetry EYE 50P?



Is there any chance to switch Aximmetry EYE camera mode to 1920x1080 P50? or at least 25P?. iPhone 13mini. Default phone camera settings is 50P, PAL enabled.




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Hi Michael,

The available format and frame rates for Aximmetry Eye are dependent on your phone model. Note that while other phone apps may offer different frame rates, they achieve this by discarding frames they don't require. Similarly, you can set your phone to a higher frame rate than your project's rendering frame rate in Aximmetry Composer.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert,

Thank you for your reply. Honestly, I already found this info in the documentation, but I guess this will not solve the problem. Skipping frames from 60FPS to get 50 is not a good solution in my opinion, timings are different and it is noticeable. Only when everything synced properly I get good output. And I'm afraid I have to use 50P. I will try other phone models when will have a chance. For now VIVE trackers + Sony A7III works perfect for me. Besides I noticed that tracking delay sometimes may vary. I didn't found the reason. iPhone 13 mini + ethernet adapter + cooler were used. WiFi also tested, with the same results.  All works, but during test I had 17 or 18 frames delay . But this day VIVE also has problems with delay. I didn't found the reason. Other days VIVE was ok, but I didn't tested Eye.

I will update if find solution


