Cameras color matching


What is everybody using to color match their cameras within Aximmetry?

We have 3 BMD cameras which deliver quite different color results. I need to match them as close as possible to each other. Sensor calibration, white balance and tint shift is basically all that can be done in camera. 
The Aduster module kind of helps but is a bit limited. What if, for example, I need to make shadows a little cooler on one camera? How would you go about it? Is there a module that can help me achieve that?


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Hi Andrew,

You could use the Tone Mapper for this purpose. Change the Method to Hable and adjust its related parameters. Also, make sure you don't modify the Max Out Lum setting and that Glares are turned off:

Additionally, you can apply a LUT with the Color Mapper module, or create a LUT-like modification using the Gradient Mapper and Level Color Mapper modules. You can find some useful compounds in the directory: [Common]:Compounds\Colorizers.

By the way, the next update of Aximmetry will include some scope compounds, which will make it easier to compare the colors of different camera inputs.

Warmest regards,
