ACES Workflow in Aximmetry



We have setup a LED Wall with Aximmetry. 

I would like to check how do we proceed with the color space if we would like it to be in ACES?

- We have applied an ACES LUT on the camera.

- Do we need to setup ACES color pipeline in Unreal Editor or do we do it only in Aximmetry?

- How do I setup the ACES color pipeline in Aximmetry for LED Wall?


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Edit: This comment applies to ACES tone mapping and not to the ACES color pipeline.

First, this document contains essential information on the subject, so start by reading it:

In Unreal you will only need to set the Frame Buffer Pixel Format setting to Float RGBA and nothing else.

In Aximmetry, make sure that HDR is Active and set the Method to ACES:
ACES Workflow in Aximmetry

Warmest regards,

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Thanks, does this also mean that I need to enable HDR output in Windows & HDR in the LED processor?

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@Eifert: What you’re describing isn’t really an ACES color pipeline. It’s just using a default ACES Tonemapper on the final output, which is something quite different. 

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Yes, you need to enable HDR output in Windows if you're using an HDMI connection and also enable HDR in the LED processor if it has such a setting.

@TwentyStudios, yes you are right. If you want the whole pipeline to be in ACES, you need to change the Working Color Space as described here:
However, I think this is only really necessary if your assets, such as textures, were created with ACES in mind. Otherwise, Unreal Engine renders in linear by default, which is sufficient to apply proper ACES tone mapping.

Warmest regards,

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@Eifert, I would like to check if using the Unreal Working Color Space ACES pipeline, do we still need to setup the HDR with ACES as you describe in your earlier post? 

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@Efiert: I hope you can research and implement a proper, full ACES pipeline (with proper documentation). ACES support includes applying color transforms to the camera signal itself, working in a unified color pipeline throughout. The Tonemapper is only the last step to bring the final output down to a more limited dynamic range for final viewing. You don’t have to prepare textures for ACES specifically, but if realism and predictability is important, it helps if the scene adheres to physically based, real world values overall. 

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While using HDR isn't mandatory, if you're dedicating the time to render with the ACES pipeline, you'll likely want to take advantage of the additional color range that HDR provides on the LED wall.
Also, as TwentyStudios pointed out, performing tone mapping with the ACES method and utilizing the ACES pipeline are two different things. It's not necessary to use the ACES method of tone mapping when utilizing the ACES pipeline in Unreal.

We explored how to use ACES camera input (billboard) in Unreal. After switching to the ACES pipeline and enabling the OpenColorIO plugin, you'll need to edit the Aximmetry Camera blueprint. In the  Aximmetry Camera blueprint, after the Get Aximmetry Video node of the Billboard, you need to apply the ACES colorspace with the Apply Color Space Transform node—detailed instructions can be found here:
Note that this is only necessary for cameras with Billboards when using Allow Virtuals.

Warmest regards,
