IBL is supported via using Diffuse Environment Maps in Aximmetry. It's very similar to the environment cubemaps you use with reflective materials. The difference that it is contain a "blurred" version of the environment, where blurring is made according to the rules of the diffuse lighting.
This type of diffuse blurring cannot be done in Aximmetry, you have to do in a third party app, for e.g. HDRShop. These app can take a regular environment map and turn it into a diffuse environment map,
In the Common Library tutorials you can find an ENV_Kitchen_diffuse.hdr which is an example of such a kind.
To use these map you simply specify it in the Diffuse Env Map property of any IBL XXX shader:
The content of this map is always added to the diffuse lights coming from the regular light sources in the scene. It's intensity or color can be adjusted via the Diffuse Env Color property.
Of course an IBL shader can be Reflective as well in the same time. In this case you can use both types of environment maps, for e.g.:
Here ENV_Kitchen is the regular envmap while ENV_Kitchen_diffuse is its blurred version.
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IBL is supported via using Diffuse Environment Maps in Aximmetry.
It's very similar to the environment cubemaps you use with reflective materials. The difference that it is contain a "blurred" version of the environment, where blurring is made according to the rules of the diffuse lighting.
This type of diffuse blurring cannot be done in Aximmetry, you have to do in a third party app, for e.g. HDRShop. These app can take a regular environment map and turn it into a diffuse environment map,
In the Common Library tutorials you can find an ENV_Kitchen_diffuse.hdr which is an example of such a kind.
To use these map you simply specify it in the Diffuse Env Map property of any IBL XXX shader:
The content of this map is always added to the diffuse lights coming from the regular light sources in the scene.
It's intensity or color can be adjusted via the Diffuse Env Color property.
Of course an IBL shader can be Reflective as well in the same time. In this case you can use both types of environment maps, for e.g.:
Here ENV_Kitchen is the regular envmap while ENV_Kitchen_diffuse is its blurred version.