We noticed that when trying to use different cameras and tracking systems for different INPUTs within the same project, it seems that the LED screen can only be aligned with one camera at a time. We wonder if there is a way to adjust the LED position when switching to a different camera, or if there are other methods to achieve multi-camera setup?
If you are using different tracking systems, you'll need to align them. The easiest way to do this is by using the Detect Origin function, as described here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/tracking/camera-and-head-transformations/#detect-origin
In the Frustum of the LED Wall, the currently selected camera's perspective is displayed. When you select a different camera, the frustum switches to that camera's perspective. This switch occurs a few frames before the actual changeover. Otherwise, the camera would capture an image rendered from the previous camera's perspective. To specify this brief delay, you need to configure the Picture Delay parameter. More information on this can be found here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/led-wall-production/using-led-walls-for-virtual-production/#switching-between-cameras
However, the Fill doesn't have to be rendered from the camera's position, more on that here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/led-wall-production/using-led-walls-for-virtual-production/#fill-rendering
Usually, you want to place the fill at the position of your talents by defining a fixed position for it in the FILL panel.
Note that there are methods available to render two different perspectives onto the same LED Wall at the same time. This is achieved by rendering different camera perspectives on alternating frames and syncing the cameras to only capture the frames belonging to them. This feature is supported by the LED Wall compound, though it is under active development and has undergone significant changes. If you need detailed information on this, please contact sales@aximmetry.com.
Warmest regards,