@@Eiffert: I am using DE 2024.3.0 . I am running a Tracked Cam project without billboards and using a PTZ which tracks my subject and sends tracking data to Aximmetry to control the background. That works well and tracks the talent's movement accurately. I need to add shadows and occlusion by using the billboards.
When I select Use Billboards in Scene, my virtual scene and the camera image of my subject are zoomed out, giving a much longer and wider shot than when the Billboards are off. Any idea why the scale of the virtual set and camera image are affected. How can I fix. Thanks
When the Use Billboards parameter is turned off, the camera's image is simply overlaid on top of the scene's image. Conversely, when you enable Use Billboards, the camera image is placed inside the scene. All the parameters in the Billboard panel will then affect the billboard, allowing you to make numerous adjustments that alter how the billboard appears when Use Billboards is turned on.Therefore, if you have made changes in the Billboard panel and are experiencing issues when Use Billboards is turned on, I suggest trying to reset the Billboard panel's settings to see if this resolves the problem:
Also, a common mistake to be aware of is accidentally moving the virtual camera path. The virtual camera path only functions when Use Billboards is turned on. Therefore, after enabling Use Billboards, be sure to reset the Virtual Camera Path's position to its default state:
You can read more about Use Billboards here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/green-screen-production/tracked-camera-workflow/scene-control-panel/#use-billboards-&-allow-virtuals
I also highly recommend checking out this page for additional insights: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/green-screen-production/tracked-camera-workflow/tracked-camera-billboards-placement/
Warmest regards,