VIVE MARS Free-D Setup: Tracking Not Working on Render PC in Multi-Machine Configuration


I followed the instructions in the link ( to complete the Free-D setup with VIVE MARS. Camera tracking works well on the controller PC. However, on the render PC, the frustum does not move (i.e., the frustum does not move on the LED wall).

I understand that I need to use the "Join Multicast Group" feature, but I'm not sure how to use it. I have tried googling and running code to join the multicast group with network settings for sender and receiver, but tracking still does not work on the render PC.

Currently, the VIVE Mars is connected to the controller PC. The instructions mention connecting VIVE Mars to the router, but since I don’t have a router, I am not using one. But previously, I set up a multi-machine environment through Unreal Engine(no aximmetry), and tracking through UDP messaging worked fine, so I don't think the router is the issue. I only have a switching hub and all PCs are connected to it. 

   Jimin Han

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You don’t need a router, just a hub. Can’t you just set the Vive Mars to transmit to all IP.s on the subnet? Alternative, you should have a Forward Tracking data option in Aximmetry, which is specially there for this need in a multi-machine configuration. 
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Jimin Han

Thank you @TwentyStudios. 
Would you mind elaborating on that Tracking forward option?
I found tracking forward in the input's pin values, and I turned on "Tracking Forward", and I entered all multi machine's ip address in "Tracking Fwd Aux IP". I also set Auxbridge with that default port number "17501" in each renderer's Device Mapper.

But I guess this tracking is still not working because this frustum on the led wall is not moving while I move the tracker.
Did I miss something?

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Jimin Han


VIVE MARS Free-D Setup: Tracking Not Working on Render PC in Multi-Machine Configuration

I also got this error message after I set up Axibridge in each renderer's Device Mapper. I have been to that path to copy those files, but I could not find them. 

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Jimin Han

I solved this issue by making new Compound,,, but still I don't know why this issue happened.

I reset device mapping and camera calibration profile, but that warning kept being shown up again.

If someone out there stuck in this issue,, just make new Compound and it will solve everything.

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The error you are experiencing occurs because the camera calibration files mentioned in the error message were not placed in a shared folder, which prevents remote render machines from accessing them.

You only need to set Tracking Forward and Tracking Fwd Port, they are described here:
You don't need to set the Tracking Fwd Aux IP. That parameter is used when you are using different camera compounds. For example, if you want to send the final LED production picture along with the tracking data to another computer that will run an AR camera compound and render additional AR objects over the final image.

I am not sure what could have been the issue with the frustum, but re-adding the camera compound, starting from the default settings, and reconfiguring everything is a smart move in such a situation. There are many parameters that one might mistakenly set, which can cause unintended consequences later. Note also that you can reset any of the Control Board panels to their default values by right-clicking on them and selecting the Reset Settings option.

Warmest regards,
