How to install Unreal DE after separate download



Silly question maybe but I downloaded unreal DE for the studio version seperate as my aximmetry studio failed instal failed on de unreal bit. But now I can't find the install .exe file after extracting the zipp file.

Thanks, Peter


Path: Aximmetry.Unreal_Engine_2024.3.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64   

File: UnrealEditor.exe

   Endorfine Productions

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You don’t need to manually extract and install the Unreal .zip file. Simply ensure that the downloaded Unreal Editor for Aximmetry is in the same folder as the Aximmetry installer (e.g., Aximmetry_Studio_DE_202X.X.X.exe). Once they are in the same location, start the installer. It will automatically use and install the downloaded assets and libraries.

Warm regards,