Programmable PTZ controller


@ Eiffert: I am using a PTZ Optics Move 4k  camera with Visca protocol. I am using this a a tracked  cam in Aximmetry Bradcast DE.  I have been using  VCAM  with the A/B  camera  positions to create movements  within my set, but the  limitation  is the quality od the billboarded talent deteriotes as  we  zoom in to the  shot. I need to replace that with an optical zoom.

Can I execute a  camera movement  using pan tilt and zoom all in one  move.  For example the PTZ camera  will pan  for  5 seconds  from right to left, and  halfway  into that  motion  begin a tilt and at the same time  zoom in to an individual at a desk.  Total duration 8 to 10 seconds. I need to  record these movements  and have them executed from a  PTZ  controller with a  programmable button.   Do you know of any  controllers that can  workin that  mode.

Alternately, if I set up up the  shot with the A/B  virtual  camera positions, is there a way of getting  the  transformation data  to control the physical PTZ camera. 




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Hi Linford,

I am not exactly sure how you control the PTZ Optics camera and so what kind of PTZ  controller would you need or want. Also, we aim to remain neutral regarding specific device recommendations, however, I can guide you on the available options and commonly used protocols. For example, if you are quite familiar with using game controllers, then you could use them with Aximmetry:

You can find an extensive list of external controllers and protocols here:

You could start the A/B virtual camera movement with a button push of such controllers. Which might be better for your production than manually controlling the virtual camera movement.

Practically speaking, I suggest setting up a button such that once the button is pressed, Aximmetry awaits the PTZ camera reaching its final zoom value before starting the A/B virtual camera movement. This setup ensures a seamless transition between the actual movement of the PTZ camera and the virtual camera.
For that, you could use a Flow Editor logic similar to this:


  • OSC Scalar module: This module detects the button press of your controller. Depending on the controller you use, a different module might be necessary.
  • Bitoggle module: This records the button press, allowing the A/B virtual camera movement to proceed only if the button was pressed beforehand. If using this logic repeatedly, you’ll need to add additional logic to reset the Bitoggle once the A/B movement is completed.
  • Camera Tracking module: This receives the PTZ camera's tracking data.
  • Greater module: You'll have to specify the final zoom value in the Greater module, as this module will compare the Camera Tracking's zoom to that. At that value, the Playlist will begin playing.
  • Playlist module: This allows you to easily configure changes on the Control Boards and should activate the A/B virtual camera playing function. Learn more here:, you might utilize the Set Logical Pin module to activate the A/B virtual camera playing function, though this module is somewhat harder to use.

Warmest regards,

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Thanks Eiffert. I will play around with it and report on the results